Community Farm Share

Four images of colorful fruits and vegetables

What's a Farm Share?

You may have heard of a vegetable box or farm share before. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it means community members get together to invest in a farm during the winter or early Spring and then when the harvest season rolls out, they pick up a weekly package of vegetables at a designated pick-up location.

Pickup at Darien Library

In 2025, Darien Library will once again be the pickup location for Stoneledge Farm's CSA. The farm share pickup will be every Wednesday evening from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. running from June 4th until October 29th (22 weeks).

Volunteers will distribute the food to CSA members during pick-up. The veggies and shares will be boxed up in reusable waxy-coated boxes.

To take part, sign up for a vegetable share. Then you can add a fruit, mushroom, and/or coffee share to your order, too.

Pickup Dates

Wednesday evenings 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

June 4th through October 29th


Please contact Amanda DeMaio,
Adult Programmer at

Farm Share Information

Select a Vegetable Share

Full All-Season Vegetable Share $725
Small Vegetable Share (limited availability)     $525
Autumn Vegetable Share $385

Then Add Optional Shares

Full Fruit Share $325
Mushroom Share $198
Coffee Share $153
Dry Bean Share $162

The vegetables are grown locally so they are fresher than anything you'll find in a grocery store and incredibly varied.

Visit Stoneledge Farm for more information.

  • Go to Stoneledge Farm
  • Click New Member Registration
  • Click Darien CSA
  • Click New Member Registration

Under the My Account tab, you are able to update your password and check to make sure all information looks correct, especially for your CSA location.

There is the option to split a share. When you sign up and add the share to your cart, provide your share partner's name, phone number, and email address.

To Add a Share Partner

  • Log into your member account.
  • Under the My Account tab, you will see the "Add a Share Partner" button on the bottom right.
  • Once your partner is added and they accept (confirmation is sent to them via email), you can place your CSA share orders.

As a member of the CSA, you will be asked to complete two hours of volunteer work during the season. Volunteers do things like check people in when they pick up their share, make sure the vegetables are replenished, or move boxes.