About My Account

We're glad you're a member of Darien Library! There are a lot of things to know and this page will guide you through making the most of your account.

Things to Know

  • Darien residents will be issued a library card immediately. A valid ID is required.
  • All programs and services available to Darien residents are available to those who work full-time in Darien. You may apply for a card by showing proof of employment.
  • Non-residents may use their valid hometown library card or register by showing an ID with their current address. For additional information, please see Non-Resident Use below.
  • The Library offers a one-day grace period for all loans (except for reservation system items) - any item returned on the day of grace will not incur an overdue fee for that day.
  • Senior patrons — those 65 and older — are exempt from accruing overdue fees.
  • The maximum overdue charge for most materials is $5 per item. Items not returned will be billed at the cost of replacement plus a $5 processing fee.
  • If a patrons’s fees exceed $50, the patron will be unable to check out items.

Non-Resident Use

Connecticut residents may use their hometown library card at any public library in the state. As a public library most of our programs, services, and collections are available to all, but we reserve some privileges for Darien residents, those who work in town, and Friends of the Library.

Non-residents are invited to become a Friend of Darien Library at the $450 level in order to:

  • Register for technology classes and children’s storytimes
  • Access e-Books, dowloadable audiobooks, magazines, and premium online resources
  • Borrow technology equipment
  • Reserve study rooms

How do I?

What do I need to log into the website?

You need your Library card number and a PIN that you set. If you have forgotten your Library card number, please call us at 203-669-5239.

What is my PIN or password?

You can reset your PIN using your Library card number and the email address you gave the Welcome Desk when you registered your card. If you have forgotten which email address you gave, please call us at 203-669-5239.

Why can't I login with my username and password from the previous site?

We have increased the security of our website by moving to a Library card number and PIN login system. 

How do I change my email address?

Call the Welcome Desk at 203-669-5239 to update your email address. 

Can I manage my child or family member's Library account?

Yes, simply go to your account and click Add an Account. Enter the other person's Library card number and PIN. Click on Add Account to finalize the connection.

What are linked accounts?

With a linked account, you can manage other people's library accounts. You can see their checkouts, holds, and fines and fees. The person whose account you're linked to cannot see your information in return.

For example, Lucy has linked to her daughter's account. Lucy can see what her daughter has checked out and that she has no overdue fees. Her daughter cannot see Lucy's account information.

How can I keep someone from linking to my account?

Do not share your Library card number and PIN with another person to keep others from linking to your account.


Whose accounts am I linked to?

Go to your Linked Accounts to see whose accounts you've linked to. As well, you can see accounts linking to you.

I have linked to someone else's account. Can they see my information?

No, they cannot see your account unless they have your Library card number and PIN.

Someone has linked to My Account. How can I unlink it?

Go to LInked Account and click on Remove to break the connection.

Can I get a Library card?

Sure, it's easy! If you live in Darien, simply bring in something with your Darien address on it (e.g. a piece of mail, your license, a tax bill, or your lease/mortgage agreement). If you work in Darien, bring your pay stub or a letter from your employer verifying your employment. Friends at the $300 level or above are eligible for a Non-Resident Member card.

I don't live in Darien. Can I check out books here?

Absolutely! Just bring your hometown library card and we will register you in our system. Please note that e-Books and other digital content are only available to Darien residents and Friends of Darien Library.

What do I have checked out?

View your Checked Out Titles to see what physical materials and digital (OverDrive and Hoopla) items you have currently borrowed.


What are holds?

Holds refers to when you "place hold" on an item so it will be taken off the shelf and waiting for you when you come to the Library. However, if the item says Checked Out it will say under that "[a number] people are on the waitlist," that means there is no copy available right now.You will be notified via email when your item is ready for pick up.

Where do I pick up my holds?

When holds are ready to be picked up we put them in a special area behind the Welcome Desk on the First Level. You can walk in and pick up your books without any staff assistance. Please note that books on hold still need to be checked out!

Do I have to check out items placed on hold for me?

Yes, please check your items at the self check outs.

When are my items due?

View your Checked Out Titles to see when your items are due.

Can I renew this item?

Generally yes. Items which have other people waiting on them may not be renewed. You can put another request on it to finish it later. 14-day books (described below) are not renewable.

View your Checked Out Titles to see if you can renew the item.


How can I renew my checkouts?

Check your Checked Out Titles list to see which items can be renewed. If it can be renewed, there'll be a Renew button for that item. You can renew multiple items by checking the check boxes to the left of the item images then clicking on Renew Selected Items at the bottom of the screen.

To renew all items, click on Renew All.

How do I return items?

Pull into the Library's driveway from Post Road. The 24/7 book drop is located between the Library and the parking lot as you drive around the building. If you drive past the fountain, you've missed it.

If you are coming into the building from the parking lot side, the book returns are in the entry way.

Where is the book or movie in the Library?

After finding the book or movie in the catalog, you will see an option to Map It on that item's listing. By clicking on Map It, you will then see a map showing the approximate location of the item in the building.

Where are the large type books?

On the First Level, make a left at the Welcome Desk and walk through the stacks all the way to the fireplace. The large type books surround this comfortable reading space.

Where do I pick up equipment, gadgets, and museum passes?

  • Children and Tween items may be picked up in the Children's Library.
  • Museum passes are at the Welcome Desk.
  • Tech gadgets are at the Help Desk on the Second Level.


What are 14-day books?

14-day books are the hottest items in our collection straight from the top of the bestseller lists! If you think you can read the book in two weeks or less, this is the collection for you!

You'll find 14-days on our First Level straight across from where you enter the Library from the parking lot.

How do I see my Borrowing History?

Go to your Borrowing History to view everything you have checked out. If you see nothing there, you will need to enable your checkout history.


How do I enable my Borrowing History?

Go to your Borrowing History and click Start Recording My Borrowing History.


How do I delete my entire Borrowing History?

On your Borrowing History page, click on Delete All at the top. We cannot retrieve your borrowing history if you delete items from it.


How do I remove items from my Borrowing History?

Go to Borrowing History and then click Delete next to the item you wish to remove.


How do I download my Borrowing History?

On your Borrowing History page, click Export to Excel. You can now open your borrowing history in the spreadsheet software of your choice (Microsof Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers, etc.).


How do I print my Borrowing History?

For Mac users:

  • Hold down the Command and P keys together on your keyboard.
  • Click Print.

For PC users:

  • Hold down the CTRL and P keys together on your keyboard.
  • Click Print.

Why do I have a fine on My Account?

Oh no! We're sorry to hear that. Fines are caused by three things:

  • Item not returned on time
  • Item is lost or returned missing a part (like a CD)
  • Item is damaged (this is a replacement fee)

The Library attempts to keep you aware of when your items are due by:

  • Offering a checkout slip which lists the due date
  • Sending you email reminders
  • Listing your checked out items on your website account

If you need a receipt of what you checked out, please see the Welcome Desk.

Where do I pay my fine?

Please pay at the Welcome Desk or online.

What does a fine stop me from doing?

Once you owe $50, you will be unable to check out items. Please get the amount under $50 to resume using the Library's services.

Why don't seniors have fines?

To acknowledge the many years of contribution and service that our senior patrons have made to the Library, we waive overdue fees on items for patrons 65 years and older. Those who still want to pay overdue fees are welcome to make a contribution!

Account Emails

If you want to stay up to date on your Darien Library account, call the Welcome Desk at 203-669-5239 and ask to have your email address added to your account.



If you want to learn about new programs, book recommendations, and events, sign up for one of our emails!

How do I register for an event?

Not all events are registered. Events that are will have a registration form on the event listing. Fill it out with your name and email address to complete your registration.

How do I know which events I've registered for?

You will receive an email confirmation when you register for an event. Then 24 hours before the event, you will receive a reminder email.

What are lists?

Lists are online lists of items you have curated from the Library's catalog. Lists can be private to only you or you can share a list with others via sharing a link to it. No one else (including Library staff) can see your list unless you make it public and then share the link with others.

Note: If your account is linked to by someone else, they cannot see your wishlist and checkout history. If you are the one who linked to their account by entering their Library barcode number and PIN, they cannot see your information.

How do I create a list or see my lists?

Visit My Lists to see any lists you have created. 

  1. Click on Create a New List to start making a new list. You are only required to name the list in the Title of List field.
  2. The description field is the place to describe why you made this list or what the items have in common. It's up to you!
  3. Your list is private by default. If you click on Access, you can change the list to be public.
  4. Click Create List.

Or you can create a list using the following method. 


How do I add items to my list(s)?

  1. When browsing Darien Library's catalog click on Add to List for an item. 
  2. Choose a List that you have previously created by clicking on the field (the most recent list created will be the default). Or you can click Create a New List
  3. The Add a Note field gives you a chance to add specific information for a single item on your list. The Library uses this to add staff reviews within our own lists


How do I delete a list?

  1. Go to My Lists and click the checkbox to the left of the image. 
  2. At the top of the list, click on Delete Selected List
  3. Or if you are viewing a list, you can click Delete at the top of the list. 

Are my lists public?

By default, your lists are private. This means that only you can view them. However, you can make your list public to share it with your family, friends, book group, class, etc. Library staff cannot see your lists. 


How do I make a list public?

  1. Once you have created a list, visit My Lists to see all the lists you have made. 
  2. If your list is marked as Private, you will need to change it to public by clicking on the name of the list. 
  3. Click on Edit under the title of your list. 
  4. Next to Access, click on Private to change the list to Public. 
  5. Click on Update.


How do I share my list?

  1. If your My Lists shows that your list is already public, click on the name of the list.
  2. Copy the URL (link) of the list in your browser window. 
  3. You can now share this list with others by sending them the link. 
  4. Or you can click on Email List to send an email directly to other people.