TEA Room
A creative space for STEAM education or preserving your memories for future generations.

Available on the First and Second Levels, the fireplaces are a favorite place to relax during cold weather.

Automatic Book Sorter
Books and movies get back on the shelves faster with this world-class automated system.
- Geothermal heating and cooling
- Natural, local materials
- Non-toxic materials
- Natural lighting in all spaces
- Multi-level lighting controls

- Biofiltration of storm water
- Site irrigation from geothermal wells
- Detention of all storm water on site
- LED light bulbs
- Energy efficient computers
Shade Trees
- Common Maple
- Green Mountain Sugar Maple
- Shademaster Honeylocust
- Black Gum
- Bloodgood London Planetree
- 'Village Green' Zelkova
Ornamental Trees
- Allegheny Serviceberry
- Whitebarked Himalayan Birch
- River Birch
- Eastern Redbud
- Flowering Dogwood
- Okame Cherry
Grasses & Groundcovers
- Bluejoint
- Pennsylvania Sedge
- Blue Fescue
- Fountain Grass
- Big Blue Lirlope
- Myrtle
- Red Twig Dogwood
- Otto Luyken Cherrylaurel
- Lime Mount Spirea