Darien Library offers online access to great digital content for all your mobile devices. All you need is your Darien Library card, a device, and internet access. Contact us for help!
How to Download
After clicking on your digital item in the catalog, you will need to open the appropriate app on either your computer or mobile device. If you forget which app to use, visit your Checked Out Titles and then look at the OverDrive and Hoopla tabs.
If your check out is blocked, check the help section below.
Downloadable e-Books, e-Audiobooks, and more are available to Darien residents, those who work in Darien, and Friends who have donated $450.
For assistance, please contact the Help Desk at 203-669-5238.



Digital Content Sources
biblio+ Videos


Virtually attend classical concerts held at the world's premier venues all from the comfort of home.
ComicsPlus for Adults

ComicsPlus for Kids & Teens

There are no limits on how many comics you may borrow and no waits. Downloaded comics may be read offline on your computer, tablet, or phone. This collection is suitable for all ages.
Hoopla Digital


Watch feature-length pop culture favorite films, box office hits, documentaries, and short films.
Libby by OverDrive

Libby for Kids & Teens

Download books, audiobooks, and magazines with the Libby app for your Apple or Android device or the OverDrive collection for your Kindle tablet or desktop PC.
LinkedIn Learning

Access more than 16,000 courses in 7 languages covering leadership, project management, cloud computing, excel, sales, python, photography -- and everything between!
Qello Concerts

Enjoy full-length, on-demand recorded concerts and music documentaries with your Darien Library card.
The Great Courses
Digital Check Out Help
If not, head on over to OverDrive and sign in by clicking the Sign in link in the top right. This will open the connection between the Library's website and OverDrive. Or if you have the OverDrive app installed on your mobile device, sign into that.
Your Library card needs to be renewed every three years. The expiration date is written on your library card. Just stop by the Welcome Desk to renew your card.
If you live in another town, e-Books and other digital content are limited to Darien residents, those who work in Darien, and Friends at the $300 annual donation level. Check your home library to see if they have OverDrive. Many Connecticut libraries do!
We can help. Call the Help Desk at 203-669-5238 or send us an email at helpdesk@darienlibrary.org.