Holds & Checkouts

Sure, it's easy! If you live in Darien, simply bring in something with your Darien address on it (e.g. a piece of mail, your license, a tax bill, or your lease/mortgage agreement).

If you work in Darien, bring your pay stub or a letter from your employer verifying your employment. Friends at the $450 level or above are eligible for a Non-Resident Member card.

Absolutely! Just bring your hometown library card and we will register you in our system. Please note that e-Books and other digital content are only available to Darien residents and Friends of Darien Library.

View your Checked Out Titles to see what physical materials and digital (OverDrive and Hoopla) items you have currently borrowed.

Holds refer to when you "place a hold" on an item so it will be taken off the shelf and waiting for you when you come to the Library. However, if the item says Checked Out it will say under that "[a number] people are on the waitlist," which means there is no copy available right now. You will be notified via email when your item is ready for pick up.

When your requested item has come and been placed on hold for you, we'll keep it set aside for 5 days. After that, we'll return the item to the shelf or give it to the next person in line for it. 

For Most Items
When holds are ready to be picked up, we put them in a special area behind the Welcome Desk on the First Level. You can walk in and pick up your books without any staff assistance. Please note that books on hold still need to be checked out!

For Technology
Please pick up your tech held item at the Help Desk. Follow the signs to the Technology Help Desk on the Second Floor. 

Yes, please check your items at the self check outs.

Generally yes. Items which have other people waiting on them may not be renewed. You can put another request on it to finish it later. 14-day books (described below) are not renewable.

View your Checked Out Titles to see if you can renew the item.

Check your Checked Out Titles list to see which items can be renewed. If it can be renewed, there'll be a Renew button for that item. You can renew multiple items by checking the checkboxes to the left of the item images and then clicking on Renew Selected Items at the bottom of the screen.

To renew all items, click on Renew All.

View your Checked Out Titles to see when your items are due.