Meeting Rooms Policy

Last Updated Date

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Statement of Policy

The Darien Library subscribes to Article IV of the Library Bill of Rights which states that facilities should be made available to the public served by the Library on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

The Darien Library considers the availability and use of its Meeting Rooms as an integral part of its service to the community. In that regard, Meeting Rooms are available, when not required for Library activities, to qualifying Darien non-profit organizations, to Town of Darien Boards, Departments and Commissions, State of CT and United States governmental organizations, and to for-profit organizations for their own internal purposes only.


Study Rooms

The following Study Rooms are available, at no charge, for reservation in advance by Darien residents, those who work full time in Darien, and non-resident Friends of the Darien Library at the $450 annual level or above. The minimum age to reserve a Study Room is 12 years old. Children under age 12 may use a Study Room if accompanied by a supervising adult.

  • Second Floor Harris Room: maximum of 8 people
  • Mezzanine Lautenbach Writer’s Room: maximum of 6 people
  • Mezzanine Quiet Study Rooms (Three): maximum of 2 people

Study Rooms are booked in two-hour slots. Study Rooms are held for 15 minutes after a reservation begins and may be forfeited after that time. These rooms are available to others on a space-available basis, without advance reservation.

Study rooms are available during regular Library hours and may be booked online.

  • Payment for any damage to Library property, or additional cleaning required after Study Room use, will be the sole responsibility of the individual reserving the Study Room, or if on a space-available basis, the individual using the Study Room.
  • Adherence to all terms and conditions apply. See the “General Terms and Conditions” section below.


Rentable Meeting Rooms

The following Meeting Rooms are available for rent upon approval by Library staff of a submitted online application:

  • Community Room: fixed seating for 150, maximum seating for 171 people; room capacity 22
  • Conference Room: maximum of 22 people seated at a conference table, or approximately 40 if seated for a presentation; room capacity 45
  • Small Conference Room: maximum of 12 people

The Community Room and Conference Room may be available for use at times outside the Library’s normal hours by special request and payment of additional fees.


Application Procedure

The Room Bookings Coordinator will review the online application form submitted by any qualified applicant, and will process applications in order of their receipt. In deciding whether or not to approve an application, the Room Bookings Coordinator may consider whether the requested use would put undue strain on the Library’s resources or interfere with other activities at the Library. The Room Bookings Coordinator is not limited to these criteria and may consider other factors they view as appropriate in making their decision. The application is available online.

Every applicant will be required to designate an individual responsible for supervision of the use of the Meeting Room, and who will be responsible for damages and payment for any additional cleaning required afterwards.

The Library Director reserves the right to cancel any approved rental with notice in the event of a Darien Library requirement. An appeal of this decision may be made to the Library’s Board of Trustees.


Room Rental Fees

For Use by Not-for-Profit Organizations

Meeting Room Rate
Community Room $75/hr. (2 hour minimum)
Conference Room $45/hr. (2 hour minimum)
Small Conference Room    $40/hr. (2 hour minimum)


For Use by For-Profit Organizations

Meeting Room Rate
Community Room $200/hr. (2 hour minimum)
Conference Room $150/hr. (2 hour minimum)
Small Conference Room    $115/hr. (2 hour minimum)


A deposit in the amount of one (1) hour at the room rate is required before the room booking can be confirmed. If the room booking is cancelled within 48 hours of the reserved time, the deposit is non-refundable.

Use of technology in the Community Room or Conference Room will incur the following fees:

  • Microphone only: No Charge
  • Basic A/V setup, including microphones, laptop, and projector: $50 flat fee
  • Use of OWL hybrid meeting camera/Zoom configuration: $50 flat fee
  • Dedicated support technician: $50/hr. (2 hour minimum)

Use of any meeting room by any organization before or after regular Library hours will require an additional staffing fee.

Fees or expenses are to be paid online or by check to the “Darien Library.” Town of Darien Boards, Departments, and Commissions, and State of CT and United States governmental organizations are exempted from these fees.


Minimum Technology Requirements

Presenters and groups are welcome to use their own laptops and devices while conducting their program or meeting at the Library. We recommend the following minimum technology requirements for the best performance. Devices not meeting the minimum requirements may not work with the Library's hardware systems. 

A Library laptop may be requested with advanced notice if the device does not meet the minimum requirements. Non-library programs incur a fee for using Library-provided technology aside from a microphone. 

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • Device is less than five-years-old
  • HDMI, VGA, or Apple Mini Display ports
  • Webcam (if running a video meeting)
  • Audio port (if playing audio) 

Minimum Software Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 10 or newer
  • Apple MacOS 11 or newer
  • Updated version of the software that will be used (e.g., browser, Zoom)


Due to incompatibilities between these software programs, presentations created in Apple Keynote may not perform well if opened in Microsoft PowerPoint.



Qualifying as a Darien Non-Profit Organization

Non-profit organizations (NFP) not known to Darien Library will be asked to demonstrate their non-profit status. Any of the following criteria will qualify a group as a Darien non-profit:

  • The NFP is a registered 501(c) organization incorporated using a physical Darien address.
  • The NFP maintains a permanent physical office within Darien.
  • A resident of Darien is an officer or member of the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees on a registered 501(c) NFP and can serve as the room rental applicant.
  • The NFP is a formalized and governed Darien neighborhood association.
  • The NFP is a Darien youth sports organization.

The Room Bookings Coordinator will work with applicants to determine their identity as a Darien non-profit. Qualified groups must apply to have their eligibility reviewed every three (3) years.


Insurance Requirement

For events outside of regular Library hours, a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit of Liability for Bodily Injury and Property Damage is required. This may be obtained from your insurance agency and must be provided before approval of your reservation request. The Town of Darien and the Darien Library must be named as “Additional Insureds” on the Insurance Certificate for the times the Meeting Room is requested.

Prior to an event or meeting being held, the Library may, in its discretion, request that a damage deposit be delivered to the Library, in an amount determined by the Library, which will be used to cover damages suffered by the Library during or as a result of the outside group or 4 individual’s event or meeting. The balance, if any, will be returned to the outside group or individual following their event or meeting.



It is the Library’s policy, in its employment practices, procedures, and facilities usage, not to discriminate with regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, religious affiliation, or disability. Groups using the Library’s facilities shall affirm a similar commitment.


Publicity Requirements

The Room Bookings Coordinator’s approval is required in advance for all publicity and all items that will be distributed at a meeting at which the public is in attendance. Publicity includes, but is not limited to, press releases, flyers, posters, pamphlets, banners, emails, and social media.

All materials should focus on the event and its sponsor, and should not in any way appear to portray the event as a Darien Library event or affiliated with Library programming. To that extent there should be no images or likenesses of the Library, no use of the Library’s logo, or a combination of colors and typeface that mirror the Library’s. Non-library groups and individuals may not use the Library’s address and phone number as their own or as contact information regarding their event.

All publicity must include the following text:

This event is held at, but not sponsored by, Darien Library. Any views and opinions expressed are not those of the Library.


General Terms and Conditions

  • The Library is not responsible for any items brought into the facilities by organizations or individuals.
  • Library facilities may not be used for business solicitations, fundraising, or political campaigning.
  • Admission fees are not to be charged by any group using Library facilities.
  • Smoking and vaping is prohibited within 25 feet from any Library doors. Smoking and vaping is not permitted inside the Library.
  • No alcoholic beverages are to be served at an event or meeting without express approval of the Library.
  • The facilities must be left in neat and clean order. Any supplies, signs, leftover food and beverages must be removed immediately at the end of the event or meeting or they will be discarded.
  • The Study Room user or Meeting Room applicant is solely responsible for payment for any damage to Library property, or additional cleaning required, after use of the facility.
  • Any accident or incident on Library property must immediately be reported to the Library Director or her designate on-site.


Adopted by the Darien Library Board of Trustees on August 29, 2022.

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