Weeding in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Look at Invasives

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Can you name the top 10 most unwanted weeds? Join Advanced Master Gardener and garden coach Alice Ely who will walk you through what can stay and what needs to go in your backyard.

Some weeds are worse than nuisances...they are non-native thugs that do real harm. They escape into open spaces and dominate the landscape, reducing species diversity. The first step to welcoming natives in your yard is to get the invasives out. The good news is, what we do on our own properties can make a positive difference in providing better habitats for all the living creatures in our world. Alice's presentation will focus on how to identify the most invasive troublemakers in our yards and get them out.

About the Presenter

Alice Ely is a UConn Advanced Master Gardener & Master Composter and creator of multiple public and private butterfly habitats in Fairfield County. She promotes native plants through Westport’s Pollinator Pathway, and educates on sustainable gardening at Westport’s Wakeman Town Farm. Alice raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, and she serves as Monarch Watch's conservation specialist for the Northeast. When she’s not out playing in her own garden, she coaches homeowners in how to do the same, through her business, Garden With Alice.