POSTPONED: Female Surrealists and their Trans-Atlantic Voyages with Page Knox

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Meet the female artists of the Surrealism movement!  Historically understood as a movement identified with male artists originating in Paris, Surrealism appealed to a number of female artists in Europe, Great Britain, America and Mexico, who used it as a vehicle to explore their own subconscious and dreams. Join Page Knox, in person, for a discussion of these fascinating female painters and photographers, including Lee Miller, Kay Sage, Frida Kahlo, Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington, who, in their journeys of self-discovery, ventured across the Atlantic to find new personal and universal truths.

About the Presenter

Page Knox is an adjunct professor in the Art History Department of Columbia University, where she received her PhD in 2012. She works contractually in a variety of capacities at the Metropolitan Museum of Art giving public gallery talks and lectures in special exhibitions as well as the permanent collection, teaching classes at the museum, and leading groups for Travel with the Met.