Plant a Garden with a Succession of Blooms!

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Learn to plant for a continuous season of bloom in your yard, with abundant blossoms for pollinators – and you – to enjoy.

Advanced Master Gardener Alice Ely returns to Darien Library who will show you how to keep the color coming throughout the summer season--and attract pollinators as well. While loss of habitat is causing insect populations (and the birds that feed on them) to crash, you can help by choosing plants wisely and coordinating their bloom time. We depend on native bees and other creatures to pollinate our flowers and crops. Creating a diverse and pesticide-free habitat in our own yards supports the very creatures we cannot live without . . .not to mention, providing a source of beauty and joy for ourselves.

“If you grow it, they will come!”  

About the Presenter

Alice Ely is a UConn Advanced Master Gardener & Master Composter and creator of multiple public and private butterfly habitats in Fairfield County. She promotes and organizes native plants through Westport’s Pollinator Pathway, and is the garden education chair at Westport’s Wakeman Town Farm where she teaches sustainable gardening.

Alice raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, and she serves as Monarch Watch's conservation specialist for the Northeast. When she’s not out playing in her own garden, she coaches homeowners in how to do the same, through her business, Garden With Alice.