Perfecting Your Job Interview with Noelle Gross

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Job Interview Crash Course - How to Knock Out the Nerves & Land an Offer

So you've been landing interviews but can't seem to land the job? The job interview requires careful preparation and practice in order to really get it right and this workshop will focus on just that!

Join career coach Noelle Gross in this preparation session designed to have you feeling confident and prepared for the big interview. You will learn some of Noelle's expert insights, tips and tricks to acing what might seem like a huge roadblock in your job search/career advancement. What to Expect:

  • Learn what kinds of questions to expect (including some of the usual suspects that tend to fluster: salary, weaknesses, etc.)
  • Learn what hiring managers will be looking for and how to prepare the best answers
  • Learn an approach for preparing including a checklist for you to keep and reuse
  • Spend time practicing answer delivery and receive honest, supportive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement
  • Hear what others are saying, what works and what doesn't
  • Learn how to feel more confident and relaxed when you walk into the interview room
  • Learn what's really going on in the hiring manager's mind when you are answering questions

Interview success is all about practice so give yourself the edge you need to stand out among the other candidates interviewing in this action-oriented workshop.

About Noelle Gross

Noelle Gross, is a job search strategy expert and award winning career influencer. She has a background in executive recruiting and uses her recruiting and hiring insights to simplify the job search and help job seekers at all levels land jobs.

Through her websites and, Noelle provides guidance on everything from resumes to LinkedIn to interviewing, to achieving challenging career changes and more. Noelle brings a shrewd headhunter prowess, fun-loving practical perspective and refreshing approach to the career world.