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NYC Subway Art with Ronnit Vasserman

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Event Details

Prior to the pandemic commuters would scurry through the NYC subway system without noticing the beautiful art work.  Now we can view the NYC subway masterpieces at our leisure from the comfort of our home. Some of our "stops" will include:

  • Roy Lichtenstein's Time Square installation
  • Romare Bearden's City of Light stained glass triptych at Westchester Sq. - E. Tremont Ave
  • Tom Otterness' bronze characters at 14th St - 8th Ave
  • Sol LeWitt's Whirl & Twirls tile mural at Columbus Circle
  • Alex Katz's iconic bold faces at 57th St.
  • Vik Muniz's Perfect Strangers at 72nd St.
  • Faith Ringgold's Flying Home Harlem Heroes and Heroines at 125th St.
  • Leo Villareal's led light Hive installation at Bleecker St.

Register for NYC Subway Art

About the Presenter

Ronnit Vasserman is the founder of Art Connect Group a full service art consulting firm located in New York. She has worked for many years for Investment Banks including Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. When first starting her professional career she didn’t want to risk making ends meet in the art world.

After a successful career in investment banking she now dedicates her time to her favorite asset class, art. She has a degree in Fine Arts and Art History. In addition to helping clients acquire art she educates them on all the latest trends by organizing events throughout the year. These events include art fair walkthroughs, studio, museum, auction house and gallery visits.