Friday Movie Matinee: "Radical"

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Darien Library presents: Friday Movie Matinee!

This week we are showing "Radical."

“Based on a true story. A teacher in a Mexican border town full of neglect, corruption, and violence, tries a radical new method to unlock their students' curiosity, potential - and maybe even their genius.”– 3PAS

Director: Christopher Zalla

Year: 2023

Starring: Eugenio Derbez as Sergio, Daniel Haddad as Chucho, Jennifer Trejo as Paloma, Mia Fernanda Solis as Lupe, Danilo Guardiola as Nico, and Víctor Estrada as Chepe.

Language: Spanish

This movie is 2 hours and 5 minutes and is rated PG-13 (for some strong violent content, thematic material and strong language).

Watch the official trailer.