Navigating Medicare in 2025: Essential Updates and Coverage Options

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Program Description

Event Details

New to Medicare? Open enrollment runs from October 15 - December 7. Now is a great time to educate yourself.

Mention the word Medicare and you’re likely to get a confused look in return. The father/daughter Team of Lou and Jessica Pelletier will sort through the "Parts" (A - Hospital; B - Physician and Outpatient Coverage; D - Drug Coverage), including the significant changes to Medicare drug plans in 2025 introduced by the government. They will review the pros and cons of Medicare Supplement Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans.

Learn about IRMAA (Income Related Monthly Adjusted Amount), Medicare Savings Programs, a Medical Power of Attorney, and how to protect your assets from nursing homes without having Long-Term Care Insurance. Join us if you are a senior, a child of a senior, or just want to know more.

About the Presenters

The father and daughter team of Lou and Jessica Pelletier of Pelletier Senior Planning uses a collaborative approach to educate and provide solutions for all retirement planning, Medicare/Medicaid and social security needs. Their 50 years of combined experience allow them to develop customized plans that help empower their clients to achieve their financial goals.

Need to Know

Reminder: Evening Parking

Parking is available in Darien Library's parking lot. If the lot is full, there may be parking available behind Nielsen's on Thorndal Circle (view parking map).