Services Interruption

On Tuesday, placing holds in the catalog or signing into your account will be temporarily unavailable due to infrastructure updates. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Bilingual Storytime

Primary tabs

Program Type:


Age Group:

Kids, Birth to 5
Please note that you are looking at an event that has already taken place.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Join us in the Library courtyard as we share stories, sing songs and shake our sillies out in English and Spanish!

Ages 1 to 5 with a parent or caregiver.

Ven con nosotros a compartir historias, cantar canciones y divertirnos en Ingles y espanol!

El programa es para ninos de 1 a 5 anos acompanados por un adulto.

Cabios del programa causados por el clima:

Si desafortunadamente el clima no es favorable para realizar el programa, se le avisara de los cambios a todas las personas registradas para el programa.

Si necesita ayuda para registrar, por favor contacte via email a Erika Walston a

Need to Know

If the weather will be unfavorable on the day of an outdoor program, we will contact registered participants by email to let them know of any changes. We will also update the event listing for programs that do not require registration.