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Connecting CT Conversation: Why Social Connection Matters

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Program Type:

Health & Wellness

Age Group:

Tweens & Teens, Adults
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Program Description

Event Details

Together, let's kickstart the conversation in Connecticut on the importance of social health and the detrimental health impacts of loneliness.

Darien’s First Selectman, Jon Zagrodzky will kick off the community conversation on the importance of social health and the harmful effects of loneliness.

The event will feature a panel discussion with residents who have lived experience and experts in the field, followed by interactive, facilitated conversations. We encourage attendees of all ages—students, municipal and state leaders, employers, and older adults—to participate.

You'll leave feeling inspired and equipped to improve your own social health and support others in doing the same. Together, we can reverse this troubling trend and eliminate loneliness in Connecticut. 


Rebecca Campbell, LCSW is the Director of Therapeutic Services at Sasco River Center in Darien CT and works with children, adolescents, and parents/families. Upwards of 75% of teens and young adults are feeling lonely or disconnected which is leading to anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Rebecca will share her thoughts on how the epidemic of loneliness is impacting our young community members and will present ideas on how to help this population improve their social connectivity.

Jennifer Groves, M.S. Ed., serves on the Advisory Council of the CT Collaborative to End Loneliness. She is a WBI Certified Positive Psychology Coach who works to bring well-being to groups, communities, and individuals with a focus on promoting meaningful connection and a sense of belonging. Jennifer is a former classroom teacher who has led workshops on resilience and cultivating agency and who has brought people together in community through various means including well-being book clubs and awe walks.

Jeff Katzman, MD serves on the Steering Committee of the CT Collaborative to End Loneliness. Jeff is Director of Education at Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan CT, and who, as a psychiatrist, believes that one of the most fundamental needs we have as humans is to be seen and understood by others. For decades, Jeff has enjoyed introducing people to the guidelines of improvisational theater as a way to learn to connect to others. Under Jeff’s direction, the Silver Hill Academy for Research and Education is focusing on the concepts of loneliness and connection as themes over the next two years.

Need to Know

Reminder: Daytime Parking

During the day, parking is available in Darien Library's parking lot. If the lot is full, there may be street parking available on Thorndal Circle. 

Library patrons may not park in the Nielsen or Michael Joseph's parking lots; violators will be towed.