1894 Day

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Program Description

Event Details

Join us in commemorating Darien Library's 128th anniversary on 1894 Day. On May 25th, we will launch our Fourth Annual Day of Giving. 

Stop by the Library courtyard from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or donate online any time that day.

We’ll have:

  • Exclusive giveaways for every donor on May 25th
  • Crafts
  • Balloon art with local performer My Balloon Guy from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
  • An ice cream truck from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Our goal is to raise $128,000 in 24 hours from our incredibly generous Friends and community members who continue to enjoy the programs, services, and collections of our Library each and every day, even from home during these unprecedented times. Now more than ever, we need your support to help ensure the long-term vitality of the Library.

Special Gifts
To commemorate this day, each donor who participates in 1894 Day will receive a special gift at the following suggested contribution levels:

  • $12.80: A Darien Library Let's Grow Seed Kit
  • $128: A Darien Library pop-up LED Lantern
  • $1,280: A custom Darien Library insulated L.L. Bean tote
  • $12,800: All of these items plus extra Darien Library swag

Please plan to make a gift to the Library in person or online on May 25th. Thank you for your support.

Support Darien Library

Donations made to the Annual Fund provide for all of the materials and services that our patrons enjoy from home or in the Library, making us a Library Journal Star Library:

  • A fantastic collection of e-Books, books, audiobooks, movies, and magazines
  • Exceptional programs for Adults, Children, and Teens
  • A destination for trusted online information of all kinds

Need to Know

We often take pictures and videos at our events. Here's why.